Gryphon is devoted to providing a cohesive network of like-minded individuals who are motivated to make their financial goals a reality. As of late, Wall Street has become increasingly volatile with the recent political climate.  Investing in real estate will help to diversify your portfolio and protect your assets.  Current local market trends still suggest some great potential for strong returns. 

As a start-up, we are looking for private lenders and those individuals looking for equity in a galvanizing new business. Our short-term goals for building capital include future ventures in fix & flip properties.  As the company grows and gathers enough financial support, Gryphon wants to then focus efforts towards acquiring “buy and hold” properties, multi-family residential properties and other larger scale projects thereafter.  If you are looking for that next investment opportunity and share a similar vision, please don’t hesitate to contact us and inquire about our latest collective business endeavor.